a link that describes this week:
for the first time of my life I played rugby (Lucio C would be proud of me, I know)...one of my coleagues is French, another one is British...result, instead of the good old football match afterwork, what if we play rugby?..what if...what if, I never played before, but ok let's give it a try.
- Easy version for beginners, touch rugby: no tackle just touch and stop the game: done
- a bit more difficoult, walking rugby: normal rules, but not allowed to run: contacts are quite hard, but ok, my "teachers" are taking care of me.
- Final match "normalrugbybutguysdon'ttackletoohardAndreathatisthefirsttimeforhim": 20 minutes...run as the hell, full of blue tatoos on my body and ribs like this (Andrea's ribs) more or less
The evening ended with one beer with the team....no no it wasn't one, maybe two, mmm no I think more three...well I don't remember exactly, but it was really funny indeed.
hopefully now I recovered and today I was able to ride the bike and play the guitar again, so I would say that all the important things are fine, I have smoe insingicifant rpoblemsm to slpel teh wrods, but I can confrim thta I ma ok!
ahahah great!
I close saying that sun is shining outside but days are getting shorter and shorter (someone told me 7 minutes per day that is a lot!) and I can celarly see it, I am a bit sad because of that....
Ciao ciao!
Andrea "Colin McRib" Polato
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